Hello there,
I have several WC subscription packages and would like to have one of them as default subscription assigned to a specific user role.
Plugins used:
- WooCommerce
- WooCommerce Subscriptions
Arnav Joy answers:
can you please explain more about your requirement ?
rbeach comments:
Yes Arnav.
I have several WooCommerce products (subscriptions). I want to automatically create an WC order with a particular product (basic subscription) everytime a user with the role of "SepecificRole" registers to the site.
Does that make sense?
The objective is to give new users a default basic subscription which they can upgrade later but never downgrade from.
Arnav Joy comments:
yes it is much clear , but to make it work I will have to see your site and also how subscription is created ..
so can you add me on skype : arnav.joy
and then we can chat.
rbeach comments:
I have added you
Arnav Joy comments:
I accepted it.
Woo Gang answers:
Can you try using woocomemrce groups plugin. It will give you more control over user roles with woocommerce subscriptions