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Apostrophes being escaped on options page output WordPress

The content is not run off posts but is from a wordpress options panel.
The content being saved in the options panel is escaping ' this and outputing /'

How can I add a function to eliminate this problem.

This is sample of how items are retrieved:
<div class="pic"></div><?php $pandagaming_01_title = get_option('pandagaming_01_title'); ?><?php $pandagaming_01_desc = get_option('pandagaming_01_desc'); ?>
<div class="box"> <span id="lobster3" class="greendark"><?php echo $pandagaming_01_title; ?></span>
<p><?php echo $pandagaming_01_desc; ?></p>

As you see there is no wordpress loop.

Answers (2)


John Cotton answers:

<p><?php echo esc_attr($pandagaming_01_desc); ?></p>

pandragon comments:

Tried that didn't seem to budge the /'
do I need to define esc_attr in functions?

pandragon comments:

<?php echo stripslashes($pandagaming_01_title); ?>

Worked a treat! Thanks John :) Wouldn't have gotten there without you!

John Cotton comments:

Sorry, stripslashes was what I meant - esc_attr goes the other's too late in the day!!!!


Sébastien | French WordpressDesigner answers:

Turner off the magic_quote