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Answers Template from templatics WordPress

I would like to modify the answers theme from templatic through the following functionality, with current functionality in brackets:

1 - questions and answers can only be viewed if the user is logged in ( at the moment the only restriction for this site is adding questions or answering questions )

2 - when the user logs in they are redirected to the user dashboard ( users are directed to the last paged viewed )

3 - when the user wants to view the questions he has answered his answer comes first with other users answers after ( answers are posted in date order )

4 - users are able to add, delete and amend answers ( only questions are allowed to be added, deleted or amended )

5 - answers are added without having to be approved by admin ( all questions and answers must be approved by admin )

can this be done ad how much would it cost?

Answers (2)


takycardia answers:

I can solve point 1 and 2 (maybe even the others but I'm not sure about that...) for 20$ :-)

jay khan comments:

are you fimiliar with the answers theme from templatic?

takycardia comments:

Not really but the things you are asking for in your first 2 questions are almost the same in any wordpress related website...


AdamGold answers:

I can do it all. (Except point 4 that I am not 100% sure about it). I take 30$ / h.


jay khan comments:

and how long will it take you to do it?

AdamGold comments:

I can do it only tomorrow, but I guess it will take 1-3 hours.

jay khan comments:

have you checked out the answers theme from templatic?

AdamGold comments:

I didn't, but the questions you asked are not just for this specific template.

jay khan comments:

this will all be done for me tomorrow? what about point four?

AdamGold comments:

About point 4, I can't tell you that I 100% able to do it, because I don't know this theme, but I will do my best.

AdamGold comments:

I am available today. Send me a message if you're still interested.