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Answer this get $50 and join the GeoDirectory Team! WordPress

Hello to the wpquestions community,

this isn't really a "wp question", but rather a recruiting contest. Our second here, because the 1st went very well. We did find the right candidate and he has been working with us since back in January.

We are the developers of [[LINK href=""]]GeoDirectory[[/LINK]] a wordpress plugin to develop Location based directories. We are currently looking for a talented and reliable junior developer to work remotely on our support forum (must be proficient in English and available to work via Skype) and we thought that we could try to scout another one here.

To know how much we offer and decide if you are interested, please send an email to [email protected], the autoresponder will give you the answer. (we prefer to avoid disclosing this information publicly)

To make sure that the partecipant coding skills are up to our standards, we require here to create a 1 file plugin dealing with the following 5 points as a test:

<strong>#1 add an admin menu page for settings</strong>

<strong>#2 add a custom DB table to hold info "id","username","image_url"</strong>

<strong>#3 add settings to your settings page to save the username, username must be: GEODIRECTORY</strong>

<strong>#4 when saving the username we will POST this value as "username" to the following URL "" if the username is correct it will respond with a image url which should be saved to the DB.</strong>

<strong>#5 create a simple widget that will display the image</strong>

No credits will be given for design at all, credit will only be given for clean readable code with error checking.

This should be coded as if it is being submitted to but we only require the main file, no icons or translation files.

We developed our version of the plugin and it took approx 45 minutes. We will use it as reference to evaluate submitted plugins and contact anyone providing acceptable code.

The prize will be assigned to the developers providing the code that most resemble to our ideal (and they will be 1st in line for the job).

Coding this should take anywhere from 30 to 60 minutes, if it takes you much longer or you don't understand the requirements, then you might not be the right candidate for us.

Please make sure to have contact details in your profile page, so that we can get in touch if needed.

We hope many will partecipate and please only partecipate if you are interested in the job!

Thank you,

The GeoDirectory Team

Answers (2)


Fahad Murtaza answers:

I am on it. Just for fun :)


Luis Abarca answers:

I did post the username and i get the image url

Geo Directory comments:

@Luis, i have replied to your submission.