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Allow users to input data - display summary on another page WordPress


I have a WordPress blog that I would like to create a page where users can answer a few questions and then post a summary page of the users results. I am new to WordPress and am looking for something simple to implement.

Answers (2)


Denzel Chia answers:


The easy way is to create a poll whereby there is a question and your visitors can select any answer, there is also a way to show the consolidated results.

Use this plugin.

You can add as many polls you like on a page.

You can see the plugin screenshots here


Denzel Chia comments:

If this is not what you are looking for, or does not meet your requirement.
please let me know.

Rich Pflederer comments:

Denzel Chia,

I have tried a poll but I need to see the individual answers instead of just the total from the poll.

Denzel Chia comments:

If you are not going to use a poll or survey plugin, than you can keep on trying to look for a true question and answer plugin. Or simply tell the owner of this site that you want to have one similar to wp questions, join the beta program. You want to be able to post question and get answers right? I believe a little changes made will fit your requirement.

You said you are looking for something simple to implement, let me tell you this.
All plugins and themes are simple to implement, you just install and activate, at the most set a few option, use a shortcode. But it is never simple to write a program. What you need is a program that interact with the database, it will have an admin page to create question, a front page to answer, functions to grab from database for display or sort or save it.

All answerer can do here is to recommend you a plugin to use. No one will write you a working program, because of the following reasons.
1) it is too long to paste here.
2) your price money is too low for answerer to write you a program. A good programmer such as our top expert Mr Oleg charges $20 USD for an hour of work, and to write this program it will definately took more than an hour.

You are in a situation whereby, price money is too high to justify answerers posting links to plugins, but too low for answerers to come up with a working program.

So another question destined for refund?

The above is my personal opinion and does not represent the view of WP Questions.



Eddie Moya answers:

Havent even really looked at this plugin, but maybe its close to what you need.