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All url's displaying newest post WordPress


All of a sudden all pages in my site are displaying the most recent post instead of the content for the page. $10 award for the fix. I need quick help please.

My site is


Answers (2)


Peter Michael answers:

Send login via PM please

Peter Michael comments:

Or try changing your theme back to TwentyTen and then back to your one. After that, re-save the permalinks in Settings -> Permalinks

hopebundrant comments:

Changing my theme didn't work. What is PM so i can send login?

Peter Michael comments:

Have you changed something on your blog? Installed a plugin perhaps?

PM: Click on my name, you can then send me a Private Message

hopebundrant comments:

I haven't done anything. the only thing that happened was that someone bought something today.

hopebundrant comments:

Thanks for you help. I figured out the problem. I deactivated the wp-ecommerce, activated it again, told it not to show the product page in the navigation. That took care of it for some odd reason.

Peter Michael comments:

If that can take down your whole site then there is still something wrong :)

Glad you figured it out anyway.


Duncan O'Neill answers:

Hi hopebundrant,

Maybe a quick n dirty fix: have you tried updating your permalinks?

Go to your permalinks, under your settings, and click 'Save Changes'.



hopebundrant comments:

I tried that already and it didn't work.

Duncan O'Neill comments:


OK, another possible quick fix;

try deleting your .htaccess, and then re-saving your pemalinks.



hopebundrant comments:

Didn't work either. Thanks anyway.
So frustrating!!!

Duncan O'Neill comments:


another idea; I see you're using the YD recent posts widget plugin. Is it possible that you may have mis-configured that? What happens if you de-activate that plugin?

