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Alignment for Mad Mimi Plugin WordPress



The plugin for the following page did have the fields lined up next to eachother, horizontally, until I updated the Mad Mimi plugin. I can't for the life of me get them to float next to eachother again.

help, please!

Answers (1)


Sabby Sam answers:

Could you be more specific please because I can see the overlap each other.
and if you think something is overlapping then use the code in style.css ( clear:both)

for eg :
#column {

ohlivia13 comments:

RIght now, the name field and email field are lined up underneath eachother. I need them to be side by side, with the email to the right of the name field.

Sabby Sam comments:

<form method="post" id="mad_mimi_form3">
<div> <label for="signup_name3">Name</label>
<input id="signup_name3" name="signup[name]" type="text" value=""><br> <label for="signup_email3">Email<span class="required" title="This field is required">*</span></label><br><input id="signup_email3" name="signup[email]" type="text" value=""><br> <input name="commit" class="button" type="submit" value="Sign up now!"><input type="hidden" id="mimi_form_id" name="mimi_form_id" value="3"><input name="signup[list_name]" value="radiant news new list" type="hidden"></div>

you need to remove the <br> tag in html code, if you can provide me wordpress login details with editing file then I could do in few minutes.

Sabby Sam comments:

Open your Mad plugin directory -> madmini-widget

and on line 145 and 121 remove the </br> tag


if(isset($signup_phone)) {
$value = isset($_POST['signup']['phone']) ? esc_attr($_POST['signup']['phone']) : '';
$out .= " <label for='signup_phone{$this->number}'>Phone</label><input id='signup_phone{$this->number}' name='signup[phone]' type='text' value='$value' /><br />";

and on line 145

if(isset($signup_zip)) {
$value = isset($_POST['signup']['email']) ? esc_attr($_POST['signup']['email']) : '';
$out .= " <label for='signup_zip{$this->number}'>Zip</label><input id='signup_zip{$this->number}' name='signup[zip]' type='text' value='$value' /><br />";

I have attached modify plugin code please replace with it.

* @package WordPress
* @subpackage Mad Mimi for WordPress

Copyright 2010 Katz Web Services, Inc. (email: [email protected])

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.

add_action( 'widgets_init', 'madmimi_load_widget' );

function madmimi_load_widget() {
register_widget( 'MadMimiWidget' );

class MadMimiWidget extends WP_Widget {

function MadMimiWidget() {
$widget_options = array('description'=>'Add a Mad Mimi form to your and start adding to your lists!', 'classname' => 'madmimi');
$control_options = array('width'=>600); // 600 px wide please
parent::WP_Widget(false, $name = 'Mad Mimi Signup Form', $widget_options, $control_options);

function widget($args, $instance) {
global $madmimi_settings_checked;
if (!$madmimi_settings_checked)
$hide = false;
$args = wp_parse_args( $args, $instance );
$output = '';
extract( $args );

if($hide != 'yes') {

$args['before'] = $before_widget;
$args['after_title'] = $after_title;
$args['before_title'] = $before_title;
$args['after'] = $after_widget;

$output .= "\n\t".$this->mimi_signup_form($args)."\n\t";

$output = apply_filters('mad_mimi_signup_form_widget', $output); // Since 1.1

echo $output;
} // end if hide

private function r($content, $echo=true) {
$output = '<pre>';
$output .= print_r($content, true);
$output .= '</pre>';
if($echo) { echo $output; }
else { return $output; }

function mimi_signup_form($args, $shortcode_id = false, $show_title = false) {
if($shortcode_id) { $this->number = (int)$shortcode_id;}
$error = $out = $success = $hide = '';
$link =true;
extract( $args );

* Begin HTML output of widget
$out .= (isset($before)) ? $before : '';

if(isset($title) && !empty($title) && strtolower($title) != "false" && $title != "0") {
$out .= (isset($before_title, $after_title)) ? $before_title : '<h2 class="mad_mimi_title">';
$out .= (isset($title)) ? $title : '';
$out .= (isset($after_title, $before_title)) ? $after_title : '</h2>';
$out .= isset($widget_description) ? apply_filters('madmimi_form_description', apply_filters('madmimi_form_description_'.$this->number, html_entity_decode ($widget_description))) : '';

if(isset($_POST['success']) && isset($_POST['mimi_form_id']) && $_POST['mimi_form_id'] == $this->number) { // The form has been submitted
if(isset($_POST['success']) && $_POST['success'] == 1) { // It worked
$success = apply_filters('mad_mimi_signup_form_success', apply_filters('mad_mimi_signup_form_success_'.$this->number, '<div class="mad_mimi_success">'.$successmessage.'</div>')); // Since 1.3, modified 1.4 to apply filters and move wpautop to plugin class init
$out .= $success;
$link = false; // Since 1.2
} else { // Didn't work, need error message
$out .= '<p class="madmimi_error mad_mimi_error">There was an error with the signup process.</p>'; // Added mad_mimi_error for naming consistency
} else { // Not been submitted
&& is_array($_POST['signuperror'])
&& $_POST['mimi_form_id'] == $this->number // Make sure it's this form, not another Mad Mimi form.
) {
foreach($_POST['signuperror'] as $key => $e) {
$error .= '<p class="madmimi_error mad_mimi_error"><label for="signup_'.$key.$this->number.'">'.$e.'</label></p>';
} // Added mad_mimi_error for naming consistency

$out .= "<form method='post' id='mad_mimi_form{$this->number}'>

$error = apply_filters('mad_mimi_signup_form_error', $error); // Since 1.1
$out .= $error;

if(isset($signup_name)) {
$value = isset($_POST['signup']['name']) ? esc_attr($_POST['signup']['name']) : '';
$out .= " <label for='signup_name{$this->number}'>Name</label><input id='signup_name{$this->number}' name='signup[name]' type='text' value='$value' /><br />";
if(isset($signup_phone)) {
$value = isset($_POST['signup']['phone']) ? esc_attr($_POST['signup']['phone']) : '';
$out .= " <label for='signup_phone{$this->number}'>Phone</label><input id='signup_phone{$this->number}' name='signup[phone]' type='text' value='$value' /><br />";
if(isset($signup_company)) {
$value = isset($_POST['signup']['company']) ? esc_attr($_POST['signup']['company']) : '';
$out .= " <label for='signup_company{$this->number}'>Company</label><br /><input id='signup_company{$this->number}' name='signup[company]' type='text' value='$value' /><br />";
if(isset($signup_title)) {
$value = isset($_POST['signup']['title']) ? esc_attr($_POST['signup']['title']) : '';
$out .= " <label for='signup_title{$this->number}'>Title</label><br /><input id='signup_title{$this->number}' name='signup[title]' type='text' value='$value' /><br />";
if(isset($signup_address)) {
$value = isset($_POST['signup']['address']) ? esc_attr($_POST['signup']['address']) : '';
$out .= " <label for='signup_address{$this->number}'>Address</label><br /><input id='signup_address{$this->number}' name='signup[address]' type='text' value='$value' /><br />";
if(isset($signup_city)) {
$value = isset($_POST['signup']['city']) ? esc_attr($_POST['signup']['city']) : '';
$out .= " <label for='signup_city{$this->number}'>City</label><br /><input id='signup_city{$this->number}' name='signup[city]' type='text' value='$value' /><br />";
if(isset($signup_state)) {
$value = isset($_POST['signup']['state']) ? esc_attr($_POST['signup']['state']) : '';
$out .= " <label for='signup_state{$this->number}'>State</label><br /><input id='signup_state{$this->number}' name='signup[state]' type='text' value='$value' /><br />";
if(isset($signup_zip)) {
$value = isset($_POST['signup']['email']) ? esc_attr($_POST['signup']['email']) : '';
$out .= " <label for='signup_zip{$this->number}'>Zip</label><input id='signup_zip{$this->number}' name='signup[zip]' type='text' value='$value' /><br />";
if(isset($signup_country)) {
$value = isset($_POST['signup']['email']) ? esc_attr($_POST['signup']['email']) : '';
$out .= " <label for='signup_country{$this->number}'>Country</label><br /><input id='signup_country{$this->number}' name='signup[country]' type='text' value='$value' /><br />";
$value = isset($_POST['signup']['email']) ? esc_attr($_POST['signup']['email']) : '';
$out .= " <label for='signup_email{$this->number}'>Email<span class='required' title='This field is required'>*</span></label><br /><input id='signup_email{$this->number}' name='signup[email]' type='text' value='$value' /><br />";

$out .= " <input name='commit' class='button' type='submit' value='$submittext' />";
if(!empty($successredirect)) {
$successredirect = urlencode($successredirect);
$out .= "<input type='hidden' name='signup[redirect]' value='$successredirect' />";

$out .= '<input type="hidden" id="mimi_form_id" name="mimi_form_id" value="'.$this->number.'" />';

$out .= $this->mimi_signup_lists($args);

$out .= "</div>

if($link && isset($madmimi_link)) { // Since 1.1, please help support the plugin author by leaving this code intact :-)
$out .= $this->mimi_thank_you_link();

$out .= (isset($after)) ? $after : '';

$out = apply_filters('mad_mimi_signup_form', $out); // Since 1.1
return $out;

public function mimi_thank_you_link() {

$default = 'Emails by <a href="" title="Mad Mimi is a simple, intelligent and powerful email marketing utility that anyone can use." rel="nofollow">Mad Mimi</a>';

@include_once(ABSPATH . WPINC . '/feed.php');

if(!function_exists('fetch_feed') || (function_exists('fetch_feed') && !$rss = fetch_feed(''.htmlentities(substr(get_bloginfo('url'), is_ssl() ? 8 : 7)).'&from=madmimi&version='.KWSMadMimi::$version))) { return $default; }

if(!is_wp_error($rss)) {
// This list is only missing 'style', 'id', and 'class' so that those don't get stripped.
$strip = array('bgsound','expr','onclick','onerror','onfinish','onmouseover','onmouseout','onfocus','onblur','lowsrc','dynsrc');
$rss->strip_attributes($strip); $rss_items = $rss->get_items(0, 1);
foreach ( $rss_items as $item ) {
return apply_filters('mad_mimi_thank_you_link', str_replace(array("\n", "\r"), ' ', $item->get_description()));

return apply_filters('mad_mimi_thank_you_link', $default);

function mimi_signup_lists($args) {
$lists = array();
$out = '';

$out .= '<input name="signup[list_name]" value="';
foreach($args as $arg => $value) {
preg_match('/list\-(.+)/', $arg, $matches);
if(!empty($matches[0])) {
$lists[] = $matches[1];
if(is_array($lists)) { $lists = @implode(',',$lists); } // @ Since 1.1 to prevent error
else { $lists = ''; } // Since 1.1, updated 1.2 to blank instead of false

$out .= $lists.'" type="hidden" />';
return $out;

function update($new_instance, $old_instance) {
$new_instance['initiated'] = true;
return $new_instance;

function mmisset($instance, $name) {
return isset($instance[$name]) ? $instance[$name] : '';

function form($instance) {
$error = '';
$title = $this->mmisset($instance, 'title');
$formcode = $this->mmisset($instance, 'formcode');
$inputsize = $this->mmisset($instance, 'inputsize');
if(is_int($this->number) || !$this->number) { $madmimi_number = $this->number; echo '<p><strong>Mad Mimi Widget ID='.$madmimi_number.'</strong></p>'; } else { $madmimi_number = '#';}
if(isset($instance['initiated'])) { $initiated = true; } else { $initiated=false;}

$KWSMadMimi = new KWSMadMimi();
if(empty($KWSMadMimi->settings_checked)) { return; }

<p>You can embed the form in post or page content by using the following code: [madmimi id=<?php echo $madmimi_number; ?>]. <?php if($madmimi_number == '#') { ?><small>(The ID will show once the widget is saved for the first time.)</small><?php } ?></p>
<p><label for="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('title'); ?>"><?php _e('Title:'); ?> <input class="widefat" id="<?php echo $this->get_field_id('title'); ?>" name="<?php echo $this->get_field_name('title'); ?>" type="text" value="<?php echo $title; ?>" /></label></p>
<?php echo $error; ?>
$this->madmimi_make_textarea($initiated, false, '', $this->mmisset($instance,'widget_description'), $this->get_field_id('widget_description'),$this->get_field_name('widget_description'), 'Text placed above the signup form. <small>(HTML allowed)</small>');
$listsList = $this->create_user_lists_list($instance, 'list');
if($listsList) { ?>
<fieldset style="border:1px solid #ccc; margin-bottom:1em;">
<legend style="font-size:1.2em; text-align:center;"><h4>Select User Lists for this Form</h4></legend>
<p style="padding:.5em 1em 0;">When filling out the form, users will be added to the following lists. If none selected, they will be added to your general Audience list.</p>
<?php echo $listsList; ?>
<?php } ?>

<fieldset style="border:1px solid #ccc; margin-bottom:1em;">
<legend style="font-size:1.2em; text-align:center;"><h4>Show the Following Fields</h4></legend>
<?php $this->create_form_fields_list($instance); ?>

$this->madmimi_make_textfield($initiated, true, '', $this->mmisset($instance,'successredirect'), $this->get_field_id('successredirect'),$this->get_field_name('successredirect'), 'Optional subscription confirmation page (for after the contact enters their details and submits the form). <strong>Must be a complete URL</strong>, including http://');

$this->madmimi_make_textarea($initiated, false, 'You have been added to our list. Thank you for signing up.', $this->mmisset($instance,'successmessage'), $this->get_field_id('successmessage'),$this->get_field_name('successmessage'), 'Message shown on successful signup (in place of the form). <small>(HTML allowed)</small>');

$this->madmimi_make_textfield($initiated, true, 'Submit', $this->mmisset($instance,'submittext'), $this->get_field_id('submittext'),$this->get_field_name('submittext'), 'Change Submit Button Text'); ?>
<p><?php $this->madmimi_make_checkbox($this->mmisset($instance,'hide'), $this->get_field_id('hide'),$this->get_field_name('hide'), 'Do not display widget in sidebar.<br /><small>If you are exclusively using the [madmimi id='.$madmimi_number.'] shortcode, not the sidebar widget. Note: you can use a widget in <em>both</em> sidebar and shortcode at the same time.</small>'); ?></p>

<p><?php $this->madmimi_make_checkbox((empty($instance['initiated']) || $this->mmisset($instance,'madmimi_link')), $this->get_field_id('madmimi_link'),$this->get_field_name('madmimi_link'), 'Display a link to Mad Mimi<br /><small>This link takes users to, letting them know where emails will be coming from. The link also helps support the plugin author when someone clicks it.</small>'); ?></p><?php

function create_form_fields_list($instance) {
$out = '<ul style="margin-left:1.5em;padding-top:.5em">';
$out .= '<li>'.$this->madmimi_get_checkbox($this->mmisset($instance, 'signup_name'), $this->get_field_id('signup_name'),$this->get_field_name('signup_name'), 'Name');
$out .= '</li>'.'<li>'.$this->madmimi_get_checkbox($this->mmisset($instance, 'signup_phone'), $this->get_field_id('signup_phone'),$this->get_field_name('signup_phone'), 'Phone');
$out .= '</li>'.'<li>'.$this->madmimi_get_checkbox($this->mmisset($instance, 'signup_company'), $this->get_field_id('signup_company'),$this->get_field_name('signup_company'), 'Company');
$out .= '</li>'.'<li>'.$this->madmimi_get_checkbox($this->mmisset($instance, 'signup_title'), $this->get_field_id('signup_title'),$this->get_field_name('signup_title'), 'Title');
$out .= '</li>'.'<li>'.$this->madmimi_get_checkbox($this->mmisset($instance, 'signup_address'), $this->get_field_id('signup_address'),$this->get_field_name('signup_address'), 'Address');
$out .= '</li>'.'<li>'.$this->madmimi_get_checkbox($this->mmisset($instance, 'signup_city'), $this->get_field_id('signup_city'),$this->get_field_name('signup_city'), 'City');
$out .= '</li>'.'<li>'.$this->madmimi_get_checkbox($this->mmisset($instance, 'signup_state'), $this->get_field_id('signup_state'),$this->get_field_name('signup_state'), 'State');
$out .= '</li>'.'<li>'.$this->madmimi_get_checkbox($this->mmisset($instance, 'signup_zip'), $this->get_field_id('signup_zip'),$this->get_field_name('signup_zip'), 'Zip');
$out .= '</li>'.'<li>'.$this->madmimi_get_checkbox($this->mmisset($instance, 'signup_country'), $this->get_field_id('signup_country'),$this->get_field_name('signup_country'), 'Country');
$out .= '</li>'.'<li>'.$this->madmimi_get_checkbox($this->mmisset($instance, 'signup_email'), $this->get_field_id('signup_email'),$this->get_field_name('signup_email'), 'Email', true,true, true);
$out .= '</ul>';
echo $out;
function create_user_lists_list($instance, $type = 'checkbox') {
#global $instance;
$dropdown = $list = $xml = false;
if($type == 'dropdown') { $dropdown = true; }
if($type == 'list') { $list = true; }

$response = madmimi_get_user_lists();

if(function_exists('simplexml_load_string')) {
$xml = simplexml_load_string($response);
} else { // Since 1.2
echo madmimi_make_notice_box('<strong>This plugin requires PHP5 for user list management</strong>. Your web host does not support PHP5.<br /><br />Everything else should work in the plugin except for being able to define what lists a user will be added to upon signup.<br /><br /><strong>You may contact your hosting company</strong> and ask if they can upgrade your PHP version to PHP5; generally this is done at no cost.');

if($xml && is_object($xml) && sizeof($xml->list) > 0) { // Updated 1.2
if($dropdown) { $out = '<select>'; }
if($list) { $out = '<ul style="margin-left:1.5em;">'; }
foreach($xml->list as $l) {
$a = $l->attributes();

if($dropdown) {
$out .= $this->mimi_create_option($a['name'],$a['id']);
} else {
#$out .= $this->madmimi_make_checkbox('list', $a['name'],$a['id']);
if($list) {$out .= '<li>'; }
$out .= $this->madmimi_get_checkbox(
$this->mmisset($instance, 'list-'.strtolower($a['name'])),
if($list) {$out .= '</li>'; }
if($list) { $out .= '</ul>'; }
if($dropdown) { $out .= '</select>'; }
return $out;
} else {
return false;

function mimi_create_checkbox($id, $name, $value, $label='') {
return "<label for='$id'>$label<input id='$id' name='$id\[\]' type='checkbox' value='$value' />$name</label>\n";

function mimi_create_option($name, $value) {
return "<option value='$value'>$name</option>\n";

function madmimi_make_textfield($initiated = false, $required=false, $default, $setting = '', $fieldid = '', $fieldname='', $title = '') {

if(!$initiated || ($required && empty($setting))) { $setting = $default; }

$input = '
<label for="'.$fieldid.'">'.__($title).'
<input type="text" class="widefat" id="'.$fieldid.'" name="'.$fieldname.'" value="'.$setting.'"/>

echo $input;
function madmimi_make_textarea($initiated = false, $required=false, $default, $setting = '', $fieldid = '', $fieldname='', $title = '') {

if(!$initiated || ($required && empty($setting))) { $setting = $default; }

$input = '
<label for="'.$fieldid.'">'.__($title).'
<textarea class="widefat" id="'.$fieldid.'" name="'.$fieldname.'" cols="40" rows="5">'.$setting.'</textarea>

echo $input;

function madmimi_make_checkbox($setting = '', $fieldid = '', $fieldname='', $title = '', $value = 'yes', $checked = false, $disabled = false) {
echo $this->madmimi_get_checkbox($setting, $fieldid, $fieldname, $title, $value, $checked, $disabled);
function madmimi_get_checkbox($setting = '', $fieldid = '', $fieldname='', $title = '', $value = 'yes', $checked = false, $disabled = false) {
$checkbox = '
<input type="checkbox" id="'.$fieldid.'" name="'.$fieldname.'" value="'.$value.'"';
if($checked || !empty($setting)) { $checkbox .= ' checked="checked"'; }
if($disabled) { $checkbox .= ' disabled="disabled"';}
$checkbox .= ' class="checkbox" />
<label for="'.$fieldid.'">'.__((string) $title).'</label>';
return $checkbox;

} // End Class

add_action('init', 'setup_madmimi_form_shortcodes');

function setup_madmimi_form_shortcodes() {
add_shortcode('MadMimi', 'madmimi_show_form');
add_shortcode('madmimi', 'madmimi_show_form');

function madmimi_show_form($atts) {
global $post, $mm_debug; // prevent before content
if(!is_admin()) {
$atts = shortcode_atts(array('id' => '1', 'title' => NULL, 'after' => '', 'before' => '', 'description' => ''), $atts);
$settings = get_option('widget_madmimiwidget');
$shortcode_id = $id = $atts['id'];
$args = wp_parse_args( $atts, $settings[$id] );
if($mm_debug) { echo '<pre style="text-align:left;">'.print_r(array('args'=>$args, 'atts'=>$atts, 'settings' =>$settings[$id]), true).'</pre>'; }

$form = new MadMimiWidget();
if(!isset($atts['title']) && strtolower($atts['title']) != 'false' && $atts['title'] != "0" || ($atts['title'] === true || strtolower($atts['title']) == 'true')) {
$args['title'] = $settings[$id]['title'];
} else {
$atts['title'] = false;
if(!empty($atts['description'])) {
$args['widget_description'] = $atts['description'];

return $form->mimi_signup_form($args, $shortcode_id, $args['title']);
} // get sidebar settings, echo finalcode

ohlivia13 comments:

deleted those breaks, and still nothing. CSS now, maybe?

Sabby Sam comments:

No, its still present in the code. If you can provide me wp administrator login so I can do in few minutes because I open the plugin and checked each files.

ohlivia13 comments:


Sabby Sam comments:

Done, check please.