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Advice on styling of Galleria WP Plugin WordPress


Hello I am using the Galleria WP Plugin ( on my site.

You can see here (please remove the spaces from URL to see the site):
www . testing-websites . com / test / lifestyle/

This is a question about the styling of the plugin, I would like to know how to remove the opacity that shows over the thumbnails, when you hover over the thumbnails it removes the opacity. I would like the opacity to be always removed.

I would also like to hide/reomve the small numbers 1 & 10 below the thumbnails.

I can see there is a bit of code in the galleria-wp.php that mentions opacity, but i'm unsure how to edit it:

If someone could tell me how to edit this it would help me alot. Thank you

Plugin Name: Galleria WP
Plugin URI:
Description: A simple image gallery for WordPress2.5 using galleria 1.0 image gallery.
Galleria <a href="> DEVKICK </a>
jQuery <a href="> jQuery </a>
jCarousel <a href=">jCarousel</a>
Author: Y2 (Yokoyama Yasuaki)
Author URI:
Version: 1.2.5
/* Copyright 2008 Y2 (Yokoyama Yasuaki)

This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.

This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.

You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software
Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA
// function galleria_shortcode(): WP short code application for //
// Galleria image gallery //
// //
// Usage: [galleria <options>] //
// options: orderby sorting order //
// id post ID //
// size WP thumbnail size //
// (defualt: 'thumbnail') //
// gallery="<number>" Use NextGen Gallery DB[ gallery=xxx ] //
// tags="<tags>" Use NextGen Gallery DB //
// [ tags=abc, cde, ... ] //
// album="<number>" Use NextGen Gallery DB [ album=xxx ] //
// columns thumbnail columns //
// ( thumbnail="top/bottom-scroll" ) //
// rows thumbnail rows //
// ( thumbnail="left/right-scroll" ) //
// steps thumbnail forward/backward step size //
// exif="<0/1>" show EXIF meta data (default: "0") //
// gid="<string>" use for grouping //
// playbutton="1" add automatic slide playback button //
// interval="<sec>" display intervals ( second ) //
// showimage="<yes/no>" default : "yes" //
// "no" : do not show image //
// shrink="<0/1>" (default is "1" : shrink to fit the stage) //
// dblclick="<source/post>" behavior of double click //
// operation on thumbnail //
// default : "source" open original image in //
// new window //
// "post" open attachment post page //
// in new window //
// //
// "current" : subordinate option //
// If you concatenate "current" keyword to dblclick option, //
// contents will be opend in current window. //
// Examples : "post-current" --> open attachment post //
// page in current window //
// //
// "current" --> same as "source-current" //
// cropthumb="<yes/no>" default : "no" : //
// thumbnail="<keyword>" thumbnail options //
// 'top' //
// 'bottom' //
// 'top-scroll' (default) //
// 'bottom-scroll' //
// 'none' hide thumbnails //
// 'left-scroll' (reserved) //
// 'right-scroll' (reserved) //
// navigation="<keyword>" location of the navigation link //
// 'top' //
// 'bottom' (default) //
// 'none' hide navigation items //
// index="<keyword"> location of the image index number //
// 'top' //
// 'bottom' (default) //
// 'caption1' inject to the first caption line //
// 'caption2' inject to the second caption line //
// 'none' hide index //
// thumb_w="<width>" thumbnail image width [px] //
// thumb_h="<height>" thumbnail image height [px] //
// cssclass="<string>" CSS class selector //
// (Ex. cssclass="galleria_black" ) //
// background_style="<styles>" background styles //
// caption1_style="<styles>" caption #1 styles //
// caption2_style="<styles>" caption #2 styles //
// //
// orderby, id, size => same as builtin [gallery] short code //
// //
// Licenses : Galleria WP is licensed under the GPL licenses. //
// //
// Galleria is licensed under the GPL licenses. //
// [ ] //
// //
// jCarousel is licensed under both MIT and GPL licenses. //
// [ ] //
// //
// jQuery is licensed under both MIT and GPL licenses. //
// [ ] //
// //
// NextGen Gallery //
// //
// V1.0.0 : Test release version //
// V1.0.3 : First release version via WordPress Plugin Directory //
// V1.1.0 : Multiple stage version //
// V1.1.2 : Thumbnail background style //
// V1.2.0 : Thumbnail scroll option (jCarousel) //
// Special thanks to Mr. Papa [ ] //
// //
// 1.2.5 Build #708 Last Updated: Jun 23rd, 2008 by Y2 //
if(preg_match('#' . basename(__FILE__) . '#', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF'])) {
die('Illegal Entry');

//============================== insert HTML header tag ========================//
add_action( 'wp_head', 'galleria_wp_headers', 10 );
function galleria_wp_headers() {

$galleria_wp_plugin_path =

$galleria_wp_style_path = "";

$galleria_wp_style_path .=
"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" " .
"href=\"$galleria_wp_plugin_path/css/galleria_wp.css\" media=\"screen\" />\n";

$galleria_wp_style_path .=
"<link rel=\"stylesheet\" type=\"text/css\" " .
"href=\"$galleria_wp_plugin_path/skins/metal/skin.css\" media=\"screen\" />\n";

$galleria_wp_script_path = "";

$galleria_wp_script_path .=
"<script type='text/javascript' ".

$galleria_wp_script_path .=
"<script type='text/javascript' ".

$galleria_wp_script_path .=
"<script type='text/javascript' ".

echo "<!-- Galleria WP [ BEGIN ] --> \n";
echo $galleria_wp_style_path;
echo $galleria_wp_script_path;
echo "<!-- Galleria WP [ END ] --> \n";

//============================== Javascript Loader ==========================//
//add_action( 'get_header', 'galleria_wp_load_js', 30);
function galleria_wp_load_js() {

$galleria_wp_plugin_path =

wp_enqueue_script('jquery'); // path : '/wp-includes/js/jquery/jquery.js'

$galleria_wp_plugin_path .'/js/jquery.jcarousel.js',

$galleria_wp_plugin_path .'/js/jquery.galleria.js',

//========================= register galleria admin menu ======================//
include_once (dirname (__FILE__)."/galleria-wp-admin.php");

add_action('admin_menu', 'galleria_wp_add_option_page');
function galleria_wp_add_option_page() {

// Add a new submenu under Options:
add_options_page('Galleria WP', 'Galleria WP Options', 8,
__FILE__, 'galleria_wp_admin_options_handler');

//========================= count galleria shortcode tags ======================//
add_filter( 'the_content', 'galleria_filter_hook_gallery_counter', 1 );
function galleria_filter_hook_gallery_counter( $content ) {

global $gNumOfGalleries;

$keyword = "[galleria";
$gNumOfGalleries = substr_count( $content, $keyword );

return $content;

//============================== load language resource ========================//
define('GALLERIA_WP_DIR_NAME', dirname(plugin_basename(__FILE__)));
add_action( 'init', 'galleria_wp_load_textdomain' );
function galleria_wp_load_textdomain() {
load_plugin_textdomain( 'galleria-wp','wp-content/plugins/'.GALLERIA_WP_DIR_NAME.'/lang');

//===================================== globals ================================//
$gSeqNum = 0;
$gNumOfGalleries = 0;
$gGalleryClass[0] = '';
$gCarouselAttrColumns[0] = 0;
$gCarouselAttrSteps[0] = 0;
$gCarouselThumbWidth[0] = 0;
$gCarouselThumbHeight[0] = 0;
$gCarouselIsVertical[0] = false;
$gCarouselAutoHideButton[0] = 1;

// main entry : galleria_shortcode() //
add_shortcode( 'galleria', 'galleria_shortcode' );
function galleria_shortcode( $attr ) {

global $post;

global $gSeqNum;
global $gNumOfGalleries;
global $gGalleryClass;
global $gGalleriaJavaScriptText;
global $gjCarouselJavaScriptText;
global $gCarouselAttrColumns;
global $gCarouselAttrSteps;
global $gCarouselThumbWidth;
global $gCarouselThumbHeight;
global $gCarouselIsVertical;
global $gCarouselAutoHideButton;

if ( isset( $attr['orderby'] ) ) {
$attr['orderby'] = sanitize_sql_orderby( $attr['orderby'] );
if ( !$attr['orderby'] )
unset( $attr['orderby'] );

// Read in existing option value from database
$default_options = (array) (get_option( 'galleria_wp_options' ) ?
get_option( 'galleria_wp_options' ) : null );

// extract EXIF tag settings
$exif_tags = array(
'exif_tag_date' => $default_options['exif_tag_date'],
'exif_tag_aperture' => $default_options['exif_tag_aperture'],
'exif_tag_exposure' => $default_options['exif_tag_exposure'],
'exif_tag_model' => $default_options['exif_tag_model']

// get command line options
extract( shortcode_atts( array(
'orderby' => ($default_options['orderby'] ? $default_options['orderby'] : 'menu_order ASC, ID ASC'),
'id' => $post->ID,
'size' => ($default_options['size'] ? $default_options['size'] : 'thumbnail'),
'columns' => ($default_options['columns'] ? $default_options['columns'] : 0),
'rows' => ($default_options['columns'] ? $default_options['columns'] : 0),
'gallery' => '',
'tags' => '',
'album' => '',
'gid' => '',
'exif' => (($default_options['exif'] == "yes") ? 1 : 0),
'playbutton' => (($default_options['playbutton'] == "yes") ? 1 : 0),
'interval' => ($default_options['interval'] ? $default_options['interval'] : 8.0 ),
'shrink' => (($default_options['shrink'] == "no") ? 0 : 1),
'dblclick' => ($default_options['dblclick'] ? $default_options['dblclick'] : 'source'),
'showimage' => ($default_options['showimage'] ? $default_options['showimage'] : 'yes'),
'navigation' => ($default_options['navigation'] ? $default_options['navigation'] :'bottom'),
'index' => ($default_options['index'] ? $default_options['index'] : 'bottom'),
'thumbnail' => ($default_options['thumbnail'] ? $default_options['thumbnail'] : 'top-scroll'),
'thumb_w' => ($default_options['thumb_w'] ? $default_options['thumb_w'] : 0),
'thumb_h' => ($default_options['thumb_h'] ? $default_options['thumb_h'] : 0),
'steps' => ($default_options['steps'] ? $default_options['steps'] : 0),
'cropthumb' => (($default_options['cropthumb'] == "yes") ? 'yes' : 'no'),
'cssclass' => ($default_options['cssclass'] ? $default_options['cssclass'] : 'galleria_std'),
'background_style' => '',
'thumbbox_style' => '',
'stage_style' => '',
'caption1_style' => '',
'caption2_style' => '',
'archives' => 'silent',
'auto_hide' => (($default_options['auto_hide'] == "no") ? 0 : 1)
), $attr ) );

$id = intval($id);
$columns = intval($columns);
$rows = intval($rows);
$steps = intval($steps) ? intval($steps) : $columns ;
$index = trim($index);
$classString = trim($cssclass);
$interval = (double) $interval;
$thumb_w = intval($thumb_w);
$thumb_h = intval($thumb_h);
$archives = trim($archives);

$given_background_css_properties = trim($background_style);
$given_caption1_css_properties = trim($caption1_style);
$given_caption2_css_properties = trim($caption2_style);
$given_stage_css_properties = trim($stage_style);
$given_thumb_css_properties = trim($thumbbox_style);

$reset_margin_padding = '';
$inline_css_properties = '';
$li_css_properties = '';

$carousel_class = '';
if ( strstr(strtolower(trim($thumbnail)) , 'scroll' ) &&
!strstr(strtolower(trim($thumbnail)) , 'none' ) ) {
$carousel_class = 'jcarousel-skin-metal';

$hideThumbnail = 0;
if ( strstr(strtolower(trim($thumbnail)) , 'none' ) ) {
$hideThumbnail = 1;

$showNavigation = 1;
if ( strstr(strtolower(trim($navigation)) , 'none' ) ) {
$showNavigation = 0;

$doShowImage = 1;
if ( strstr(strtolower(trim($showimage)) , 'no' ) ||
strstr(strtolower(trim($showimage)) , '0' ) ) {
$doShowImage = 0;
$showNavigation = 0;

$doCropThumbnail = 0;
if ( strstr(strtolower(trim($cropthumb)) , 'yes' ) ||
strstr(strtolower(trim($cropthumb)) , '1' ) ) {
$doCropThumbnail = 1;

$auto_hide_button = 0;
if ( $auto_hide ) {
$auto_hide_button = 1;

$thumbnail_position ='top';
$is_vertical = false;

if ( strstr(strtolower(trim($dblclick)) , 'source' ) ) {
$thumbnail_caption = __('Double Click to Show Full Size Image','galleria-wp');
} else if ( strstr(strtolower(trim($dblclick)) , 'post' ) ) {
$thumbnail_caption = __('Double Click to Show Attachment Page','galleria-wp');
} else {
$thumbnail_caption = '';

$thumbnail_mode = strtolower(trim($thumbnail));
if ( strstr( $thumbnail_mode, 'top' ) ) {
$thumbnail_position ='top';
$is_vertical = false;
= ($default_options['stage_top_css'] ? $default_options['stage_top_css'] : '' );
= ($default_options['thumb_top_css'] ? $default_options['thumb_top_css'] : '' );
} else if ( strstr( $thumbnail_mode, 'bottom' ) ) {
$thumbnail_position = 'bottom';
$is_vertical = false;
= ($default_options['stage_bottom_css'] ? $default_options['stage_bottom_css'] : '');
= ($default_options['thumb_bottom_css'] ? $default_options['thumb_bottom_css'] : '');
} else if ( strstr( $thumbnail_mode, 'left' ) ) {
$thumbnail_position = 'left';
$is_vertical = true;
= ($default_options['stage_left_css'] ? $default_options['stage_left_css'] : 'width: 80%;');
= ($default_options['thumb_left_css'] ? $default_options['thumb_left_css'] : 'width: 19%;');
} else if ( strstr( $thumbnail_mode, 'right' ) ) {
$thumbnail_position = 'right';
$is_vertical = true;
= ($default_options['stage_right_css'] ? $default_options['stage_right_css'] : 'width: 80%;');
= ($default_options['thumb_right_css'] ? $default_options['thumb_right_css'] : 'width: 19%;');
if ( $is_vertical ) $thumbnail_caption = '';

if ( $columns == 0 && $rows > 0 ) $columns = $rows;

if ( $given_stage_css_properties ) {
$stage_css_properties = $given_stage_css_properties;
if ( $given_thumb_css_properties ) {
$thumb_css_properties = $given_thumb_css_properties;

$background_css_prpperties = '';
if ( $given_background_css_properties ) {
$background_css_prpperties = "style=\"".$given_background_css_properties."\"";
$caption1_css_properties = '';
if ( $given_caption1_css_properties ) {
$caption1_css_properties = $given_caption1_css_properties;
$caption2_css_properties = '';
if ( $given_caption2_css_properties ) {
$caption2_css_properties = $given_caption2_css_properties;

$gSeqNum++; // galleria short code tag counter
$galleryID = "gallery".$gSeqNum; // identifies each gallery
$output_buffer ="";

// restore attributes (jCarousel)
$gGalleryClass[$gSeqNum] = $galleryID;
$gCarouselAttrColumns[$gSeqNum] = $columns;
$gCarouselAttrSteps[$gSeqNum] = $steps;
$gCarouselThumbWidth[$gSeqNum] = $thumb_w;
$gCarouselThumbHeight[$gSeqNum] = $thumb_h;
$gCarouselIsVertical[$gSeqNum] = $is_vertical;
$gCarouselAutoHideButton[$gSeqNum] = $auto_hide_button;

// is this single page or post ?
if ( !is_page() && !is_single() ) {
if ( $archives == 'shortcode' ) {
$output_buffer .= "[galleria ";
foreach( $attr as $key => $value ) {
$output_buffer .= $key."=".$value." ";
$output_buffer .= "]\n";
return $output_buffer;
return '';// nothing to do

$attachments =

if ( empty($attachments) ) {
return ''; // do nothing
if ( is_feed() ) { // output standard image links
$output_buffer = "\n";
foreach ( $attachments as $id => $attachment )
$output_buffer .= wp_get_attachment_link( $id, $size, true ) . "\n";
return $output_buffer;

// outer wrapper tag
if ( $gSeqNum == 1 ) {
$output_buffer .= apply_filters( 'gallery_style'," <div id='galleria_wp'>\n" );
// css class wrapper
$output_buffer .= apply_filters( 'gallery_style',"
<div class='$classString'>
<div class='$galleryID' $background_css_prpperties>\n");

// insert navigation tags here
if ( $navigation == 'top' && $showNavigation ) {
$output_buffer .= galleria_generate_navigation_tags( $galleryID );

// insert <div> and <ul> tags
$output_buffer .= galleria_generate_pre_list_tags( $galleryID,
$stage_css_properties );

$li_width_css = ($thumb_w > 0) ? "width: $thumb_w"."px; " : "";
$li_height_css = ($thumb_h > 0) ? "height: $thumb_h"."px; " : "";

if ( $reset_margin_padding || $li_width_css || $li_height_css ) {
= " style='".$li_width_css.$li_height_css.$reset_margin_padding."'";
} else {
$li_css_properties = '';

// insert <li> tags
$counter = 0;
foreach ( $attachments as $id => $attachment ) {

$link = galleria_wp_get_attachment_link( $id, $size, $gid, $exif, $exif_tags );

if ( !$link ) continue;

if ( $counter == 0 ) {
// activate the first image
$output_buffer .= apply_filters( 'gallery_style',"
<li class='active galleria_wp' $li_css_properties>

} else {

$output_buffer .= apply_filters( 'gallery_style',"
<li class='galleria_wp' $li_css_properties>

} // end foreach

// insert caption tags
$output_buffer .= galleria_generate_after_list_tags( $galleryID,
$stage_css_properties );

// insert navigation tags here
if ( $navigation == 'bottom' && $showNavigation ) {
$output_buffer .= galleria_generate_navigation_tags( $galleryID );

$output_buffer .= apply_filters( 'gallery_style',
</div> <!-- end of [ div class='$classString' ] -->\n");

// prepare Javascript code
if ( $gSeqNum == 1 ) { ;
$gGalleriaJavaScriptText = "";
$gjCarouselJavaScriptText = "";
$gJavaScriptTagText = "";

$gGalleriaJavaScriptText .= prepareGalleriaScript( $classString,
$caption2_css_properties );

$gGalleriaJavaScriptText .= "\n";

if ( $gSeqNum == $gNumOfGalleries ) {

$output_buffer .= apply_filters( 'gallery_style',
" </div> <!-- end of [ <div id='galleria_wp' class='galeria_wp'> ] --> \n" );

if ( $carousel_class ) {
$gjCarouselJavaScriptText .= preparejCarouselCallback( $gNumOfGalleries ) ;
$gjCarouselJavaScriptText .= preparejCarouselScript( $gNumOfGalleries ) ;
$gjCarouselJavaScriptText .= "\n";
} else {
$gjCarouselJavaScriptText .= apply_filters( 'gallery_style',"
function jcarousel_scroll_to_active_item( target_class ) {
// dummy hook
}\n" );

$output_buffer .= apply_filters( 'gallery_style', "<script type='text/javascript'>\n" );
$output_buffer .= apply_filters( 'gallery_style', $gjCarouselJavaScriptText );
$output_buffer .= apply_filters( 'gallery_style', $gGalleriaJavaScriptText );
$output_buffer .= apply_filters( 'gallery_style', "</script>\n" );
return $output_buffer;

// galleria_generate_navigation_tags( $galleryID ) //
function galleria_generate_navigation_tags( $galleryID ) {

$output = "
<p style='clear: both;'></p>
<p class='galleria_nav'>
<a href='#' onclick=\"jQuery.galleria.prev( 'stage_$galleryID','$galleryID' ); return false;\">
&laquo; ".__('Previous','galleria-wp')."</a> &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;
<a href='#' onclick=\" 'stage_$galleryID','$galleryID' ); return false;\">
".__('Next','galleria-wp')." &raquo;</a>
<button class='play'>".__('Play','galleria-wp')."</button>
<p style='clear: both;'></p>";

return apply_filters( 'gallery_style', $output );

// galleria_generate_pre_list_tags() //
function galleria_generate_pre_list_tags( $galleryID,
$stage_css_properties ) {

$output = '';
$ul_css_properties = '';
$user_css_properties = '';

switch ( $thumbnail_position ) {

case 'top' :

if ( $thumb_css_properties ) {
$user_css_properties =
"style=\"" .$thumb_css_properties."\"";

if ( $carousel_class ) {

$output .= "
<div class='galleria_thumb $galleryID' $user_css_properties>
<div class='$carousel_class $galleryID'>
<div class='jcarousel-container $galleryID'>
<div class='jcarousel-clip $galleryID'>
<ul class='galleria_wp $carousel_class $galleryID' $ul_css_properties>\n";
} else {

$output .= "
<div class='galleria_thumb $galleryID' $user_css_properties>
<ul class='galleria_wp $galleryID' $ul_css_properties>\n";



case 'bottom' :

if ( $thumb_css_properties ) {
$user_css_properties =
"style=\"" .$thumb_css_properties."\"";

if ( $stage_css_properties ) {
$stage_css_properties =

if ( $carousel_class ) {

$output .= "
<div id='stage_$galleryID' $stage_css_properties>
<!-- image and caption will be inserted here. -->
<div class='galleria_thumb $galleryID' $user_css_properties>
<div class='$carousel_class $galleryID'>
<div class='jcarousel-container $galleryID'>
<div class='jcarousel-clip $galleryID'>
<ul class='galleria_wp $carousel_class $galleryID' $ul_css_properties>\n";

} else {

$output .= "
<div id='stage_$galleryID' $stage_css_properties>
<!-- image and caption will be inserted here. -->
<div class='galleria_thumb $galleryID' $ul_css_properties>
<ul class='galleria_wp $galleryID' >\n";



case 'left' :

$user_css_properties =
"style=\"float: left; " .$thumb_css_properties."\"";

if ( $carousel_class ) {

$output .= "
<div class='galleria_thumb $galleryID' $user_css_properties>
<div class='$carousel_class $galleryID'>
<div class='jcarousel-container $galleryID'>
<div class='jcarousel-clip $galleryID'>
<ul class='galleria_wp $carousel_class $galleryID' $ul_css_properties>\n";
} else {

$output .= "
<div class='galleria_thumb $galleryID' $user_css_properties>
<ul class='galleria_wp $galleryID' $ul_css_properties>\n";



case 'right' :

$user_css_properties =
"style=\"float: right; " .$thumb_css_properties."\"";

if ( $carousel_class ) {

$output .= "
<div class='galleria_thumb $galleryID' $user_css_properties>
<div class='$carousel_class $galleryID'>
<div class='jcarousel-container $galleryID'>
<div class='jcarousel-clip $galleryID'>
<ul class='galleria_wp $carousel_class $galleryID' $ul_css_properties>\n";
} else {

$output .= "
<div class='galleria_thumb $galleryID' $user_css_properties>
<ul class='galleria_wp $galleryID' $ul_css_properties>\n";



default :

} // end of [ switch ( $thumbnail_position ) {} ]

return apply_filters( 'gallery_style', $output );

} // end of [ function galleria_generate_pre_list_tags() {} ]

// galleria_generate_after_list_tags() //
function galleria_generate_after_list_tags( $galleryID,
$stage_css_properties ) {

$output = '';
$ul_css_properties = '';

switch ( $thumbnail_position ) {

case 'top' :

if ($stage_css_properties) {
$stage_css_properties =

if ( $carousel_class ) {
$output .= "
<div class='galleria_wp_thumb_caption $galleryID'>
<span class='first'></span><span class='msg'></span><span class='last'></span>

} else {

$output .= "
<div class='galleria_wp_thumb_caption $galleryID'>
<span class='first'></span><span class='msg'></span><span class='last'></span>


$output .= "
<div id='stage_$galleryID' $stage_css_properties>
<!-- target image and captions will be inserted here. -->


case 'bottom' :

if ( $carousel_class ) {
$output .= "
<div class='galleria_wp_thumb_caption $galleryID'>
<span class='first'></span><span class='msg'></span><span class='last'></span>

} else {

$output .= "
<div class='galleria_wp_thumb_caption $galleryID'>
<span class='first'></span><span class='msg'></span><span class='last'></span>



case 'left' :

if ( $stage_css_properties ) {
$stage_css_properties =
"style=\"float: right; ".$stage_css_properties."\"";

if ( $carousel_class ) {
$output .= "
<div class='galleria_wp_thumb_caption $galleryID'>
<span class='first'></span><span class='msg'></span><span class='last'></span>

} else {

$output .= "
<div class='galleria_wp_thumb_caption $galleryID'>
<span class='first'></span><span class='msg'></span><span class='last'></span>


$output .= "
<div id='stage_$galleryID' $stage_css_properties>
<!-- target image and captions will be inserted here. -->
<p style='clear: right;'></p>\n";


case 'right' :

if ( $stage_css_properties ) {
$stage_css_properties =
"style=\"float: left; ".$stage_css_properties."\"";

if ( $carousel_class ) {
$output .= "
<div class='galleria_wp_thumb_caption $galleryID'>
<span class='first'></span><span class='msg'></span><span class='last'></span>

} else {

$output .= "
<div class='galleria_wp_thumb_caption $galleryID'>
<span class='first'></span><span class='msg'></span><span class='last'></span>


$output .= "
<div id='stage_$galleryID' $stage_css_properties>
<!-- target image and captions will be inserted here. -->
<p style='clear: left;'></p>\n";


default :

} // end of [ switch ( $thumbnail_position ) {} ]

return apply_filters( 'gallery_style', $output );

} // end of [ function galleria_generate_after_list_tags() {} ]

// function galleria_wp_get_attachment_link(): //
function galleria_wp_get_attachment_link( $id = 0,
$size = 'thumbnail',
$gid = '',
$exif = 0,
$exif_tags ) {

global $post;

$exif_text ='';

$_post = & get_post( intval($id) );

if ( ('attachment' != $_post->post_type) ||
!$url = wp_get_attachment_url($_post->ID) ) {

return __('Missing Attachment','galleria-wp');

$image_description = '';

$image_title = attribute_escape($_post->post_title);
$image_caption = attribute_escape($_post->post_excerpt);
$image_description = attribute_escape($_post->post_content);

$groups_text = strstr( $image_title, "[" );
if ( $groups_text ) {
$groups_text = str_replace( "[", "", $groups_text );
$groups_text = str_replace( "]", "", $groups_text );
$groups_text = trim( $groups_text );

if ( $gid ) {
$regexp = trim( $gid );
if ( $groups_text ) {
if ( ! ereg( $regexp, $groups_text ) ) {
return '';
} else {
return '';
} // end of [ if ( $groups_text ) ]
} // end of [ if ( $gid ) ]

// invoke bug fixed version of "wp_get_attachment_image()"
$link_text = _wp_get_attachment_image( $id, $size );

$alt_text = 'alt="' . $image_caption . '"';
$thumb_link = str_replace( 'alt=""', $alt_text, $link_text );

if ( $exif == 1 ) {
if ( $url ) {
$exifdata = @ exif_read_data( $url, "EXIF" );
if ( $exifdata ) {
$datetime = $exifdata["DateTimeOriginal"];
$model = $exifdata["Model"];
$aperture = $exifdata["COMPUTED"]["ApertureFNumber"];
$exposure = $exifdata["ExposureTime"];
if ( $exif_tags['exif_tag_date'] == 'yes' ) {
$exif_text .= " ".__('Date','galleria-wp').": $datetime ";
if ( $exif_tags['exif_tag_aperture'] == 'yes' ) {
$exif_text .= " ".__('Aperture','galleria-wp').": $aperture ";
if ( $exif_tags['exif_tag_exposure'] == 'yes' ) {
$exif_text .= " ".__('Exposure','galleria-wp').": $exposure";
if ( $exif_tags['exif_tag_model'] == 'yes' ) {
$exif_text .= " ".__('Model','galleria-wp').": $model";
if ( $exif_text ) {
$image_description .= ' :: '.$exif_text;

return "<a href='$url' title='$image_description'>$thumb_link</a><span>$image_caption</span>";

// function prepareGalleriaScript(): prepares custom galleria handler //
// //
// original source code is "demo_01.htm" ( galleria-1.0b demo sample ) //
function prepareGalleriaScript( $classString,
$isVertical ,
$showNavigation = 1,
$carousel_class = '',
$cropThumbnail = 0,
$hideThumbnail= 0,
$thumbnailColumns = 0,
$thumbnail_caption = '',
$playbutton = 0,
$interval = 5.0,
$shrink = 1,
$index = 'top',
$dblclick = 'source',
$caption2_css_properties ) {

$intervalMilliSec = (int) ($interval * 1000);
$usejcarousel = $carousel_class ? '1' : '0';
$tempClass = "";
$output_buffer = "";
$isVertical = $isVertical ? '1' : '0';

$output_buffer .= apply_filters( 'gallery_style',"
var timerID_$galleryID;
jQuery('ul.$galleryID').galleria( {
history : false,
clickNext : true,
insert : '#stage_$galleryID',
tempClass : '$galleryID',
cropThumbnail : '$cropThumbnail',
shrink : '$shrink',
index : '$index',
doShowImage : '$doShowImage',
hideThumbnail : '$hideThumbnail',
isVertical : '$isVertical',
jcarousel : '$usejcarousel',
thumbnailColumns : '$thumbnailColumns',
thumbnail_caption : '$thumbnail_caption',
caption1_css : '$caption1_css_properties',
caption2_css : '$caption2_css_properties',
onImage : function( image, caption1, caption2, thumb ) {
var _li = thumb.parents('li');
image.attr('title',' Click to Show Next image >> ');
onThumb : function( thumb ) {
var _li = thumb.parents('li');
var _fadeTo ='.active') ? '1' : '0.5';
function() { thumb.fadeTo('fast',1); },
function() { _li.not('.active').children('img').fadeTo('fast',0.5); }
if ( '$dblclick' != 'nothing' ) {
thumb.bind( 'dblclick', function() {
var _imgsrc = thumb.attr('rel');
var _title = thumb.attr('title');
var _is_ngg = thumb.hasClass('ngg_gallery');
var _posturl = './' + _imgsrc.split(/\//g).pop().replace(/\...(.)+$/, '/');
var _openmode = '$dblclick';
var _dest = ( _openmode.indexOf('post') < 0 || _is_ngg ) ? _imgsrc : _posturl;
if ( _openmode.indexOf('current') < 0 ) { _dest );
} else {
location.href = _dest;
if ( $hideThumbnail == 1 ) {
// hide thumbnails
jQuery('ul.$galleryID').css('display', 'none' );
if ( $showNavigation == 1 ) {
// show navigation items
jQuery('div.$galleryID p.galleria_nav').css('display', 'block' );
if ( $playbutton == 1 ) {
jQuery('div.$galleryID').css('display', 'block' );
// automatic navigation
jQuery('div.$galleryID').click( function() {
if ( jQuery(this).text() == '".__('Play','galleria-wp')."' ) {
jQuery(this).text( '".__('Stop','galleria-wp')."' );
timerID_$galleryID = setInterval( \" 'stage_$galleryID', '$galleryID' );\", $intervalMilliSec );
} else {
clearInterval( timerID_$galleryID );
jQuery(this).text( '".__('Play','galleria-wp')."' );
} );
} else {
// hide the play button
jQuery('div.$galleryID').css('display', 'none' );
// add keybord navigation [ May 04th 2008 by Y2 ]
jQuery(document).keydown( function (e) {
if ( e.which == 27 && ($playbutton == 1) ) { // Escape Key
if ( jQuery('div.$galleryID').text() == '".__('Stop','galleria-wp')."' ) {
clearInterval( timerID_$galleryID );
jQuery('div.$galleryID').text( '".__('Play','galleria-wp')."' );
} // end of if ( $navigation == 1 )\n" );
return $output_buffer;

function preparejCarouselCallback( $numOfGalleries ) {

global $gGalleryClass;

$output_buffer = "";

for ( $i = 1; $i <= $numOfGalleries; $i++ ) {

$galleryID = $gGalleryClass[$i];

$output_buffer .= apply_filters( 'gallery_style',"
var jqc_gallery$i = new Object();
function mycarousel_initCallback_$i( carousel, status ) {
jqc_gallery$i = carousel;
function mycarousel_itemLoadCallback_$i( carousel, status ) {
var div_caption = jQuery('div.galleria_wp_thumb_caption.$galleryID');
var span_first = jQuery('div.galleria_wp_thumb_caption.$galleryID > span.first');
var span_last = jQuery('div.galleria_wp_thumb_caption.$galleryID > span.last');
if ( !carousel.options.vertical ) {
new_length = carousel.clip.width() + 'px';
div_caption.css('width', new_length );
span_first.css( 'display' , 'block' ).css( 'z-index' , '999' );
span_first.css( 'background-color' , 'black' ).css( 'color' , 'white' );
span_first.fadeTo(5000,0.5, function() {
//jQuery(this).css( 'z-index' , '0' );
//jQuery(this).css( 'display' , 'none' );
} );
span_last.css( 'display' , 'block' ).css( 'z-index' , '999' );
span_last.css( 'color' , 'white' ).css( 'background-color' , 'black' );
span_last.fadeTo(5000,0.5, function() {
//jQuery(this).css( 'z-index' , '0' );
//jQuery(this).css( 'display' , 'none' );
} );
}\n" );
} // end of [ for ( $i = 1; $i < $numOfGalleries; $i++ ) {} ]

$output_buffer .= apply_filters( 'gallery_style',"
function jcarousel_scroll_to_active_item( target_class ) {
var num_of_items =
parseInt( jQuery('ul.' + target_class + ' li:last-child').attr('jcarouselindex') );
var jq_active_list = jQuery('ul.' + target_class + '');
if ( jq_active_list ) {
var active_item_index = parseInt( jq_active_list.attr('jcarouselindex') );
if ( active_item_index > 0 &&
active_item_index <= num_of_items ) {
switch( target_class ) { \n");

for ( $i = 1; $i <= $numOfGalleries; $i++ ) {
$output_buffer .= apply_filters( 'gallery_style',"
case 'gallery$i' :
jqc_gallery$i.scroll( active_item_index, true );
} // end of [ for ( $i = 1; $i <= $numOfGalleries; $i++ ) ]

$output_buffer .= apply_filters( 'gallery_style',"
}\n" );
return $output_buffer;

function preparejCarouselScript( $numOfGalleries ) {

global $gCarouselAttrColumns;
global $gCarouselAttrSteps;
global $gCarouselThumbWidth;
global $gCarouselThumbHeight;
global $gCarouselIsVertical;
global $gCarouselAutoHideButton;

$output_buffer = "";

for ( $i = 1; $i <= $numOfGalleries; $i++ ) {

$columns = $gCarouselAttrColumns[$i];
$steps = $gCarouselAttrSteps[$i];
$thumb_w = $gCarouselThumbWidth[$i];
$thumb_h = $gCarouselThumbHeight[$i];
$vertical_mode = ($gCarouselIsVertical[$i]) ? 'true': 'false';
$auto_hide = $gCarouselAutoHideButton[$i];

$output_buffer .= apply_filters( 'gallery_style',"
vertical : $vertical_mode,
visible: $columns,
scroll: $steps,
thumb_w: $thumb_w,
thumb_h: $thumb_h,
auto_hide: $auto_hide,
initCallback: mycarousel_initCallback_$i,
itemLoadCallback: mycarousel_itemLoadCallback_$i
}); // end of [ jQuery('$i').jcarousel() {} ] \n" );

} // end of [ for ( $i = 1; $i <= $numOfGalleries; $i++ ) {} ]
return $output_buffer;

// following three functions are minor modification version of //
// the "/wp-include/media.php" //
function _wp_get_attachment_image( $attachment_id,
$icon = false ) {
$html = '';
$image = _wp_get_attachment_image_src($attachment_id, $size, $icon);
if ( $image ) {
list($src, $width, $height) = $image;
$hwstring = image_hwstring($width, $height);
if ( is_array($size) )
$size = join('x', $size);
$html = '<img src="'.attribute_escape($src).'"
'.$hwstring.'class="attachment-'.attribute_escape($size).'" alt="" />';
return $html;
function _wp_get_attachment_image_src( $attachment_id,
$icon = false ) {
// get a thumbnail or intermediate image if there is one
if ( $image = _image_downsize($attachment_id, $size) )
return $image;
if ( $icon && $src = wp_mime_type_icon($attachment_id) ) {
$icon_dir =
apply_filters( 'icon_dir', ABSPATH . WPINC . '/images/crystal' );
$src_file = $icon_dir . '/' . basename($src);
@list($width, $height) = getimagesize($src_file);
if ( $src && $width && $height )
return array( $src, $width, $height );
return false;
function _image_downsize($id, $size = 'medium') {
if ( !wp_attachment_is_image($id) )
return false;
$img_url = wp_get_attachment_url($id);
$meta = wp_get_attachment_metadata($id);
$width = $height = 0;
// plugins can use this to provide resize services
if ( $out = apply_filters('_image_downsize', false, $id, $size) )
return $out;
// try for a new style intermediate size
if ( $intermediate = image_get_intermediate_size($id, $size) ) {
$img_url = str_replace(basename($img_url), $intermediate['file'], $img_url);
$width = $intermediate['width'];
$height = $intermediate['height'];
elseif ( $size == 'thumbnail' ) {
// fall back to the old thumbnail
$thumb_file = wp_get_attachment_thumb_file( $id ); // modified by Y2
if ( $info = getimagesize($thumb_file) ) { //
$img_url = str_replace(basename($img_url), basename($thumb_file), $img_url);
$width = $info[0];
$height = $info[1];
if ( !$width && !$height && isset($meta['width'], $meta['height']) ) {
// any other type: use the real image and constrain it
list( $width, $height ) =
image_constrain_size_for_editor( $meta['width'],
$meta['height'], $size );
if ( $img_url)
return array( $img_url, $width, $height );
return false;

Answers (2)


Charles Klycinski answers:

About opacity please check this (im not sure about it becouse i cant check it now) :

Find all fadeTo and change 0,5 to 1 - this should prevent fading the photos.

To remove those small number find

<span class='first'></span><span class='msg'></span><span class='last'></span>

and delete it. It should be listed twice in that file

Ross Gosling comments:

Thank you for the quick answer! It worked!


Francisco Javier Carazo Gil answers:

Instead of remove every appearence of:

<span class='first'></span><span class='msg'></span><span class='last'></span>

In jQuery comment changes these lines:


For these one:


If this no works because the square appears, remove not only:

<span class='first'></span><span class='msg'></span><span class='last'></span>

But also remove:

<div class="galleria_wp_thumb_caption gallery1" style="width: 730px; ">
<span class="first" style="display: block; z-index: 999; background-color: black; color: white; opacity: 0.5; ">2</span><span class="msg gallery1" style="color: white; background-color: black; z-index: -5; display: none; opacity: 0.5; "></span><span class="last" style="display: block; z-index: 999; color: white; background-color: black; opacity: 0.5; ">11</span>

I'm going to see opacity now and I tell you.