Hi, I have my site in English (example.com) which will be my main domain.
I want to add a french office and I have the domain (example.fr).
All pages will be translated by myself.
Ideally I want to have 1 wordpress admin which will control the 2 sites, is this possible?
I understand I can have example.com/fr , but I would like use the domain I have.
Do I need to make 2 worpress sites? If I make 2 sites is this bad for SEO (duplicate content) even if the content is in a different language?
Remy answers:
You can do that by activating WordPress multisites and installing a domain mapping plugin. It's free but a little technical.
There is also the WPML plugin you can use, it's a premium plugin and quite heavy, but works well.
And for SEO, it won't be duplicate content since it's 2 different languages.
Ross Gosling comments:
Thank you Remy, can you link me to these plugins?
Remy comments:
[[LINK href="http://wpml.org"]]WPML[[/LINK]]
[[LINK href="http://wordpress.org/plugins/wordpress-mu-domain-mapping/"]]Domain Mapping[[/LINK]]
WordPress multisite is a core functionality, more info in the codex [[LINK href="http://codex.wordpress.org/Create_A_Network"]]here[[/LINK]]
Rowela Alzona answers:
Best plugin I ever used for multiple language is http://www.qianqin.de/qtranslate/