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Adding a div class below smart archives reloaded plugin WordPress


This is eluding me but this is what I want. Add the following code:

<div class="greyRule"><hr /></div>

right on top of Categories, but for some reason I paste code which works fine everywhere else but its not working here, so I'm guessing it has something to with Smart Archives Reloaded plugin.

My archives.php looks like this:
Template Name: Archives

<?php get_header(); ?>

<div id="content">
<div class="greyRule"><hr /></div>
<h2 class="link-title">Archives</h2>

<div class="main">

<p>Peruse and Discover</p>
<div class="greyRule"><hr /></div>
<?php smart_archives('format=fancy'); ?>
<br />

<?php wp_list_categories('orderby=name&show_count=1&title_li='); ?>
<div class="greyRule"><hr /></div>
<p>A short list of post category tags.</p>
if ( function_exists( 'nk_wp_tag_cloud' ) ) {
echo nk_wp_tag_cloud( 'single=no&separator= :: &categories=no&nofollow=yes&smallest=14&largest=14&unit=px' );
<br /><br />
<a href="">Complete list of all post tags ➝</a>
<div class="greyRule"><hr /></div>

<p>All Entries:</p>
<a href="">Chronological list of all entries.</a>
<div class="greyRule"><hr /></div>
<p>Google Shared Links:</p>
<br />
<a href="">Here's my list of all the Google Share items as I mark them in Google Reader.</a>
<div class="greyRule"><hr /></div>

<br />
<a href="">Archive of all essays.</a>
<div class="greyRule"><hr /></div>
<?php get_sidebar(); ?>

<?php get_footer(); ?>

1. [[LINK href=""]]My Archives Page[[/LINK]]
2. [[LINK href=""]]Smart Archives Reloaded[[/LINK]]

To conclude, I want that grey line which that class generate right after the smart archives reloaded plugin or the said another way, on top of the Categories so the archives horizontal lines are kept with topic.

Answers (1)


Rashad Aliyev answers:


Do you want to put line on the Category?

If it's right then put the code like this.

<div class="greyRule"><hr></div>


If not explain it again what you mean..

Jorge Ledesma comments:

thanks but that did not work

Rashad Aliyev comments:

If you increase the price I can make it for you.

Jorge Ledesma comments:

Thanks anyway but this modification seems easy enough for a gentleman of your expertise, seems like a very fair price for small piece of code.

Rashad Aliyev comments:

ok;) Change it like this.

<div><hr size="1"></div>

Jorge Ledesma comments:

ok, testing now. its a different color than my original div though

Rashad Aliyev comments:

You can use color tag for your hr. Change the value of color what you want. for example: #f5f5f5 light gray. #ccc is like your hr

<hr color="#ccc" size="1" />