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Add wp-members login to top toolbar WordPress

I have two Fold Question:


I currently only have one mp-members widget available; I am trying to either;

A). duplicate the wp-members widget so I can place it in another concurrent sidebar; or...

B). Make the wp-members widget fit in the top toolbar on my theme, but when I place the widget in this area, it changes the size and formatting of the top toolbar. I am trying to make a place for users to login/logout directly on the top topbar with a link to register. Or, alternatively, links in the top toolbar which will bring the visitors to a login/logout/register. I am not familiar with CSS and I do not know how wp-members plugin works as far as registration links, et cetera.

Top Toolbar (Preferred):
Username: [___________] Password: [_______] Register (link)

Top Toolbar (Alternative):

Member Area (link) Register (link)

I sent an email to the wp-members plugin developer asking if this is possible, he said in return...

"Email response---------------->


It's all CSS driven so you could format layout accordingly.

It's running on the WP function wp_signon, so you could also just create a custom login form to fit whatever space you need.

<---------------- Email Response"

I am appreciative of the response but in the same respect, I am not able to make any progress with his answer. Can someone advise on the steps to place the wp-members widget into the top toolbar?

Answers (3)


Francisco Javier Carazo Gil answers:

Hi Dane,

If I could see the code of WP-Member I would be able to try to fix, but WP-Member is a commercial plugin.

I cannot see anything interesting in knowledge base.

If someone has this plugin buyed, may he could tell you.


Top Shelf comments:


Is there a more preferable membership plugin than wp-members?


Francisco Javier Carazo Gil comments:


I have never used those plugin.

I hope you will find the answer.


Gabriel Reguly answers:

Hi Dane,

I can help you with that, but not for $10.

BTW, this is the plugin [[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]], right?



dan luther avergonzado answers:

I can provide a solution to that , please let me view the source file. Thanks