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Add link to header WordPress



I'm editing a theme, and the logo is inserted into the header. I need to make that whole thing link to the home page.

Please direct me how. Thanks!


Answers (2)


Manoj Raj answers:

May be the following solution will suit you

Add the following code

<a class="sara-logo" href="<?php echo home_url('/'); ?>"><span>Sara Hauber - Coaching you to radiant health &amp; witness</span></a>

immediately below <div id="wrapper"> in your header.php or the corresponding header file...

Add the following style applied to the anchor tag

a.sara-logo {position: absolute; display: block; top: 0; left: 0; width: 550px; height: 190px;} a.sara-logo span { visibility: hidden; }

Change the width and height accordingly as per your intention...To make the above position to work add the

position: relative to the id #wrapper in your style.css

I hope it will work fine...

ohlivia13 comments:

Perfect!! Thank you so much.


Kiet Luong answers:

You need edit css of main menu, then add anchor tag then make some other change on css for anchor tag, I can help you do this,
skype: kioluong
Regards !