The most thorough documentation I can find of how to add a new keyboard shortcut to TinyMC is at this page:
But it involves adding code to the TinyMCE source file, tiny_mce_src.js:
t.addShortcut([keyboard command], [shortcut name], [command name]);
How can I add shortcuts outside of TinyMCE, e.g., in functions.php?
SpecificalIy am trying to add keyboard shortcuts to toggle header tags and execute other functions in TinyMCE.
This is a repost of [[LINK href=""]]this question[[/LINK]] from WP StackExchange. The bainternet answer doesn't work because 1) the keyboard shortcut does not work if the cursor is in TinyMCE; and 2) I want the behavior to be the same as the native TinyMCE header buttons—so that you can apply them while the cursor is in the text but no text is selected.
I am using the hotkeys.js jQuery plugin. None of these bindings work:
// This works, but only when TinyMCE is not focused
$(document).bind('keydown', 'Alt+Shift+1', function(){
console.log('key pressed');
// Binding to the textarea like this doesn't work
$('textarea#content').bind('keydown', 'Alt+Shift+1', function(){
console.log('key pressed');
// Binding to the iframe like this doesn't work
$('.mceIframeContainer iframe').bind('keydown', 'Alt+Shift+1', function(){
console.log('key pressed');
// Binding to the iframe's body doesn't work
$(document).ready(function() {
$('.mceIframeContainer iframe').load(function() {
$(this).contents().find("body").bind('keydown', 'Alt+Shift+1', function(){
console.log('key pressed');
Jurre Hanema answers:
Throw away the jQuery-hotkeys plugin and include this PHP-code somewhere in your site (e.g. functions.php):
add_filter('tiny_mce_before_init', 'wpq_tiny_mce_before_init', 10, 2);
function wpq_tiny_mce_before_init($mceInit, $editor_id)
if($editor_id == 'content')
$mceInit['oninit'] = 'wpq_tinymce_add_shortcuts';
return $mceInit;
Now, in your Javascript, you need to define the function wpq_tinymce_add_shortcuts. This function is going to add the shortcuts to TinyMCE, using the addShortcut()-function like on [[LINK href=""]]the howto you referred to[[/LINK]]. I assume you know how to include the Javascript in your site. The script should look like this:
function wpq_tinymce_add_shortcuts()
// Add your shortcuts here...
window.tinymce.activeEditor.addShortcut('ctrl+m', 'foobar', 'Bold');
If everything works, this example should add ctrl+m as a shortcut for "bold".
I created and tested this on Wordpress 3.3. I do not know if it works on earlier versions, so I suggest you try it on WP 3.3 first.
web559 comments:
Thanks so much for your answer. I'm not sure I actually do know where to add the javascript defining wpq_tinymce_add_shortcuts. I added it in a script tag in the footer and am getting TypeError: 'undefined' is not an object (evaluating 'v.apply') IN wp-tinymce.php:2
Jurre Hanema comments:
That probably means that you did not (properly) include the script on the relevant page of the Wordpress admin.
The way I included the script for my test was by adding it using functions.php like this:
add_action('admin_footer', 'wpq_tiny_mce_shortcuts_script');
function wpq_tiny_mce_shortcuts_script()
<script type="text/javascript">
function wpq_tinymce_add_shortcuts()
window.tinymce.activeEditor.addShortcut('ctrl+m', 'foobar', 'Bold');
A better way to do it would be to use [[LINK href=""]]admin_enqueue_script[[/LINK]], but this is the easiest way for a quick test.
web559 comments:
Thanks so much. This worked great. I'm glad to have this finally solved.
Francisco Javier Carazo Gil answers:
Take a look at jquery.hotkeys plugin which lets you enable keyboard shortcuts with a simple one liner:
$(document).bind('keydown', 'ctrl+a', fn);
To do it better, if you want to check if the TinyMCE editor is active and it has a selected text then here are the functions you need:
function isTinyMCEactive(){ //check if editor is active
is_tinyMCE_active = false;
if (typeof(tinyMCE) != "undefined") {
if (tinyMCE.activeEditor == null || tinyMCE.activeEditor.isHidden() != false) {
is_tinyMCE_active = true;
return is_tinyMCE_active;
function tinyMCEhotkeys(tag){
if (isTinyMCEactive()){
var selected_content = '';
selected_content = tinyMCE.activeEditor.selection.getContent();
if (selected_content != '' || selected_content != null){ //check if editor has selection
tinyMCE.activeEditor.execCommand("mceInsertContent", 0, '<' + tag + '>' + selected_content + '</' + tag + '>');
The rest is easy:
$(document).bind('keydown', 'ctrl+1', tinyMCEhotkeys('h1'));
$(document).bind('keydown', 'ctrl+2', tinyMCEhotkeys('h2'));
$(document).bind('keydown', 'ctrl+3', tinyMCEhotkeys('h3'));
$(document).bind('keydown', 'ctrl+4', tinyMCEhotkeys('h4'));
web559 comments:
Dude, read my question. This is a direct copy of the StackExchange answer, which I said didn't work ;)
Agus Setiawan answers:
use this :
hope this usefull.
web559 comments:
I link to and comment on that StackExchange question in my question above.