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Add accordion and tabs shortcodes in ajax theme WordPress



I'm looking for someone who can help me add two shortcodes in a theme I bought.
It's an ajax theme and I'm not really good at it. I tried but I only managed the HTML part of creating the shortcode. I did'nt figure out how to insert the jquery code for the accordion and tabs to work...

Here is the original theme file zipped. I wrote a readme file to explain in details what I want.

Sorry for my english and thanks for your help !

PS : Here is the zip file :

Answers (4)


Hai Bui answers:

The hard part is that the theme uses ajax to load content if my guess it right, and regular method for executing jQuery (on page load) won't work. In this case, the jQuery code for the tab+accordion must be inserted directly in html (of those elements). It's not a simple job and will require testing to make sure the code work, I feel the current prize is a bit low for the amount of work needed. Anyways, hope you will get help from other experts.

Jennifer comments:


You're right this job is really tricky.
How much do you think it worth ?


Hai Bui comments:

I suggest $50


Jennifer comments:

Done ! Hope I will get an answer :)

Have a nice day.

Hai Bui comments:

It is really tricky... even more than I expected. I used a plugin and modified it to work with the theme because writing everything from scratch is too much. I also make a small change to one js file of the theme.
-Download and install the plugin here
-Replace this file in the theme: /js/jScript.js with this

Only tabs and vertical accordions will work because I only customized them. After you install the plugin, check Thethe Fly -> Tabs and Accordions in WP admin area for shortcodes usage.


Jennifer comments:

Yes ! This is it.
Thank you so so much.



Gabriel Reguly answers:

Hi Jennifer,

Where is the zipped file?


Jennifer comments:

Sorry I edited my post, you can download it using the link below.


Arnav Joy answers:

please have a look in this plugin

Jennifer comments:

Hi Arnav,
Thanks for your plugin but I think it won't work because I tried with other plugins.
I contacted the theme's team and they told me that any plugins using jquery will not work.
I have to write the code myself in the theme.



Jatin Soni answers:

I have found the link for you

Tabs Shortcode

Accordion Shortcode

Or if you want me to do that for you please PM me. I will do it directly into your theme and make it ready to use.

Jennifer comments:

Hi Jatin,

I really would like that. Can you download the theme and test it ? Link in my post.
I made a readme file to explain in details what I want.


Jatin Soni comments:


Let me do it for you

Jatin Soni comments:

Yes! as everyone said this is very complected and I am also working since 3 hours to fix it. I am not going to leave until get final result.