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Add/Update User Custom Field ACF Repeater Sub field WordPress


Form contains donation and project select field , upon submission of the form the sub field created with acf repeater should create a new row containing project and donation select field value

add_action("gform_after_submission_2", "after_donation", 10,2);
function after_donation($entry,$form){
global $current_user;
$user_ID = get_current_user_id();

$amount_donated = $entry["1"];
$project_donated = $entry["4"];

Create New Row Data on ACF Repeater Sub Field upon gravity form submission

if( have_rows('user_projects','user_'.$user_ID) ) {

while( have_rows('user_projects') ) {


update_sub_field( array('user_projects', 1, 'project_donated'), $project_donated );




Answers (1)


Hariprasad Vijayan answers:


Are you trying to updated those details in to a post's meta?

jefrey landicho comments:

user meta not post

Form Data (inputted by user)- > Send Data to variables - Create/Add row based on user Meta based on the form selected by the current user

jefrey landicho comments:

Basically ,my question is how would a store the data by row in the user custom field created in ACF. See screenshot for details