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Add_Action Wordpress Gallery to use Name Instead of Post ID WordPress


I need to customize the native WordPress Gallery function so that I can display a gallery based on the name instead of the ID of the post it is attached to.

A gallery plugin isn't an option.

I found some useful info here:
[[LINK href=""]][[/LINK]]

and I see the wordpress file is at wp-includes/media.php

But I'm not sure how to write the function / filter/action to make this work.

Anyone have the answer?

Answers (2)


Arnav Joy answers:

try this


$post_title = 'my_post';
$postData = get_page_by_title( $post_title, 'OBJECT' , 'post');
$postID = $postData->ID;

if(!empty($postID)) {

echo do_shortcode('[gallery] id="'.$postID.'"]');



Spencer Tomosvary comments:

Just doing this much returns nothing..

$post_title = ( 'Home' );
$postData = get_page_by_title( $post_title, 'OBJECT' , 'post');
$postID = $postData->ID;
print_r ($postID);

Arnav Joy comments:

please see this line

$postData = get_page_by_title( $post_title, 'OBJECT' , 'post');

if you want to get title of the page then pass 'page' as last parameter or if the title is to be of post the pass 'post' as parameter , i have passed it as post , so for page use this

$postData = get_page_by_title( $post_title, 'OBJECT' , 'page');

you can also leave it blank

$postData = get_page_by_title( $post_title);

let me know if it is helpfull

Spencer Tomosvary comments:

got it..

I used:

$post_title = ( 'Home' );
$postData = get_page_by_title( $post_title);
$postID = $postData->ID;
if(!empty($postID)) {
echo do_shortcode('[gallery id="'.$postID.'"]');

Which worked. Thanks!

One last thing.. how do I format the post_title if the name has a space? Can't seem to get that to work..

I tried: $post_title = ( 'Home" "Images' );
$post_title = ( 'Home'." ".'Images' );

but no luck.


Martin Pham answers:

Do you want to show gallery based on the name of the album?

$album_name = 'ABC';

$display = get_gallery_by_name($album_name);

// Or do_shortcode('[gallery name="'.$album_name.'"]');

Spencer Tomosvary comments:

Yes.. if the album name is the name of the post to which it is attached to..

Martin Pham comments:

please try this

function get_post_id_by_title($title) {
global $wpdb;
$post_id = $wpdb->get_var($wpdb->prepare("SELECT ID FROM {$wpdb->posts} AND post_type='post' ", $Title) );
if ($post_id)
return (int)$post_id;

return false;
function get_images_gallery($title) {
$postid = get_post_id_by_title($title);
if($postid) {
echo do_shortcode('[gallery] id="'.$postid.'"]');

Spencer Tomosvary comments:

Awesome, that certainly looks like it will work. I'm not doing something quite right though..

I added the functions into my functions.php .. then I was looking to see where I would insert the gallery title..
Do I add $title="Gallery Name Here"; below the declaration of the first function?
Or can I use it like this get_images_gallery('Gallery Name Here');


Somehow my syntax is wrong and it's breaking the template..