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ALL Membership site plugins and themes that exist & which ones... WordPress

Im looking into starting a membership site and want to compare the <strong>BEST OF THE BEST </strong>plugins and themes currently available. I need to know all that exist so i can judge and compare for myself which one suits my needs.

I'm pretty sure the quantity is not in the hundreds yet since memberships for the average joe via wordpress has barely begun to kickoff (5 years or less)..

I'd rather get them ALL in one listing that way i can get started (since i've made time) asap. I want the maximum out there possible.

I know of a few that might be hard to find but that is a good thing since this will prove that you know what you are talking about.

Now that you have the WHOLE list find out which ones integrate a points system of any kind. A points system allows members to earn points by performing a certain task; the task can be anything.

The theme or plugin may be free or paid. It may be a hybrid of a nonwp membership software as well (meaning its compatible with wordress). It doesn't matter. My goal is to make sure i see all of them before i make a choice.

If this is a question that cannot be answered here, please direct me to a place where I can find an answer to this question.

Happy searching!

Answers (4)


Arnav Joy answers:

have a look in these plugins

wpbuddy comments:

I guess I wanted a long list of choices to choosing from, maybe i have to look elsewhere.

S2 is a good start but not compatible with office autopilot.

I already am aware of the BIG names such as wishlist, dap, etc. but would like to find
hidden gems that arent too popular.

An example would be membermouse (which i feel is a top contender) for what I need..


Peter Harrison answers:

WPMU DEV have a very good plugin.

Its a paid for plugin but well worth the money, plus you get access to all their themes and other plugins for a single cost (over 140 plugins including marketplace and many social plugins).



Francisco Javier Carazo Gil answers:

Maybe you want to use BuddyPress


Yoyo Sunaryo answers:

please, see this plugins

paid :

free :