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ACF - Populate a taxonomy field according to a field inside that taxonomy WordPress


Hear me out here as this gets complicated…

This applies to ACF Pro...
I have a custom taxonomy called student. When I edit a student I have a field (which is another custom taxonomy) called school.

I also have user profiles with the same school field in the edit screen.

Now… what I want to do is in my field group, have the student field but only populate it with student terms that have the same school term as the current post author.

student term “Sally” has the school term “XYZ primary school”
student term “Billy” has the school term “ABC high school”

Therefore, the student term “Sally” would only populate the student field (in a post) when the current author also has the school term “XYZ primary school” in their user profile.

Does this make sense?

Answers (5)


Arnav Joy answers:

This seems possible but without actually seeing this working on your site it will be hard to provide you solution for this.
Can you please provide me access to your site ( ftp and admin ) and I will implement the solution there.

you can send me mail at: [email protected]


pjeaje comments:



Farid answers:

The question is not that much clear, unfortunately. It's important to understand the requirements in a proper way before we can help you in the right way.

Can you please simplify it a little bit and explain again? Would be great if you share some related screenshot.

For screenshot sharing you can use any of the following service.


Thank You!

pjeaje comments:

i'll make a video

Farid comments:

Thank you


Cesar Contreras answers:

Have you tried using the conditions that the plugin allows?

pjeaje comments:



Mohamed Ahmed answers:

Hi Pjeaje,

Could you send me your website URL Info to my email [email protected].

pjeaje comments:


Mohamed Ahmed comments:

No problem but it isn't clear

pjeaje comments:

i'll make a video


Echeverri answers:

Has your problem been solved?
tell us if this is right or is you are done the video for we post you a mejor answer.