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3d tag cloud, bullets issue WordPress


Hi Guys

can you take a look at this page and the "Talking about" widget where I have a 3D Tag Cloud plugin displaying some tags.

Do you see a list of bullets flash up for a second before the cloud loads?

What is causing it?
How can I stop this?

Any help greatly appreciated

Many thanks

Answers (3)


Dbranes answers:

It looks like this extra tag list is hidden with javascript when the page has rendered.

You can try to hide the list with :


in your stylesheet.

Steve Watson comments:

Thanks Dbranes, that sorted it.


Remy answers:

It's because the javascript loading the cloud is waiting for the page loading to be finished, it's called FOUC (Flash of unstyled content). Here is one way of avoiding this :

In the <head> of your page, paste this :

<script type="text/javascript">
<style type="text/css">
.js { display:none;}



Try this:-----------

Step 1

Internet Explorer 8 provides built-in control over Flash playing in websites. To enable it, choose the "Tools" menu, then "Manage Add-ons," "Flash Add-on" and "More information." Click "Remove all sites" to automatically disable Flash on all pages you browse. If you browse to a page and want to view the Flash content on it, a notification will appear near the top of your window, so click it if you want to allow Flash on the current site, or if you want to find out more information about it.
Step 2

For Internet Explorer 7, the program Toggle Flash allows you to turn Flash on and off as you browse between sites. Download the Toggle Flash program and close Internet Explorer before running it by double-clicking it. Once the installer has finished, open Internet Explorer and you should see a new button on the toolbar. Click the button to enable and disable Flash whenever you choose.
Step 3

Firefox gives user control over Flash playback through an add-on, Flashblock. Go to the Mozilla Add-ons page for Flashblock and select "Add to Firefox." Click "Install" and restart Firefox when you are prompted to do so. Flash will automatically now be blocked whenever you browse the Web. If you visit a site and want to view the Flash content on it, click on the placeholder that appears within the page instead of the Flash content.
Step 4

For Opera, the add-on Flashblock allows you to control whether or not Flash plays in any given page. Download the Flashblock add-on for Opera and unzip it to a folder on your computer. Open the information file inside the downloaded folder and follow the instructions for your version of Opera. You will need to copy JavaScript and CSS files to set directories within your Opera installation, then choose appropriate menu options to allow the add-on to work, so follow the instructions carefully. Once the add-on is installed, you can click on any Flash placeholder to play Flash content; otherwise, it will be blocked.
Step 5

Blocking Flash in Chrome can be achieved using the Flashblock extension. Browse to the Flashblock page on the Chrome extensions site, and click "Add to Chrome." Follow the instructions as the installer runs and restart Chrome. Once the extension is running, you will see Flash content is automatically blocked on any page you visit. If you want to run Flash on a particular page, click on the image that appears in its place.
Step 6

In Safari, you can block Flash content using the ClickToFlash program. Download ClickToFlash from the project website, then install it on your machine by double-clicking it, following the instructions. Once the ClickToFlash program has been installed, Flash will automatically be blocked unless you choose to allow it, which you can do by clicking on the blocked area of the page.