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I have a weird menu at the top of one of my pages. (PICTURE ATTACHED) Please Help!!!!! WordPress


I have a weird menu at the top of one of my pages and cannot get rid of it. I attached a picture. I tried getting rid of it in the customize tab but it will not go away.

Answers (5)


Farid answers:


I have created a process for you to give you a visual demonstration.

Please login to your site go to “Appearance > Menus“ page and follow this process.

You may have different pages and theme location should be selected “Primary Menu” ... it should guide you enough to get this job done.

Please check this screenshot:

User184639 comments:

It is the content that is just below the menu can you help me with that?

Farid comments:

I can help you with that for sure. It’s called breadcrumbs. If that theme you bought or built by a good developer then you must have an option to disable that.

Farid comments:

That option can be in settings under Dashboard Appearance page or in Customizer under Appearance page.

If you don’t find related settings then can you right click on this menu and then click om the Inspect and take a screenshot and them share it with me? I will guide you how you can disable with a small CSS code that you can add to your Additional CSS box in Customizer settings.

User184639 comments:

Ok what is the code?

Farid comments:

Please read my comment... for that I need you to share a screenshot of inspecting that menu as I just asked in my last comment.

Farid comments:

Or you can share your site that page URL and I will give you the code accordingly.

User184639 comments:

pretty sure this right let me know

Farid comments:

You are very near. Please search for Genetics in “Elements” area and when you find ... share its screenshot.

User184639 comments:


Farid comments:

This is in Small case. And it’s the one that’s being used for the page title. There is one more. If you click enter after finding it will go to next. Share that one please and we are ready to fix it :)

Farid comments:

This is in Small case. And it’s the one that’s being used for the page title. There is one more. If you click enter after finding it will go to next. Share that one please and we are ready to fix it :)

User184639 comments:


Farid comments:

Sir you are sharing the same one. Please ensure that is in Capital Genetics and when you will move mouse on it then the top menu area will get highlighted. Same as when you will move mouse over the found Genetics then title area will highlight.

Farid comments:

Simply right click on the GENETICS that is in the menu and then click on Inspect ... you will see the one that I want you to share

User184639 comments:


Farid comments:

Sir you are still sharing same. Please find GENETICS in this pointed header tag. Keep opening the inside tags until you Find Genetics word the. Share that with me.

User184639 comments:


Farid comments:

Awesome! Please go scroll little to up and show me the full expanded header tag. And I will see there the related part

Farid comments:

You searched GENETICS in styles area instead of Elements ????

But that’s okay just show me that pointed header tag in expanded mode.

User184639 comments:


Farid comments:

Please add the following CSS code to the “Appearance > Customizer > Additional CSS” box.

.masthead nav { display: none; }

And that wired menu should go!

User184639 comments:

Damn unfortunately this did not work

Farid comments:

Add this.

.entry-title { display: none; }

Farid comments:

Menu has gone. But looks like you want to hide title. Use new code and remove old one

User184639 comments:

Ahh getting closer because it took out the genetics but the header is still there

Farid comments:

If you want to remove header too then use

.entry-header { display: none; }

User184639 comments:

this did not work either

Farid comments:

Strange it has to work as per the screenshots.

User184639 comments:

Am I putting the code into the wrong place?

Farid comments:

You should put code into the same "Additional CSS" box.

Can you please try the following one.

.entry-header { display: none !important; }

User184639 comments:

again it is still there

User184639 comments:

I think that it is whatever is behind the header and I dont what it is

Farid comments:

Would be great if you share the site URL or at least the similar page URL of the demo theme that you are using.

User184639 comments:

I tried turning of the breadcrumbs and it is different than that too

User184639 comments:

Farid comments:

Please add the following code.

.entry-content {
margin-top: -60px;

Farid comments:

Keep this code also

.entry-header { display: none !important; }

So the total code would be

.entry-header { display: none !important; }
.entry-content { margin-top: -60px; }

User184639 comments:

ok so it worked! but now I have the menu at the top I will attach a screenshot

Farid comments:

What do you mean you have a menu at the top? Please can you explain a little more what do you want?

User184639 comments:

there is still that white space at the top of the page that I cannot get rid of.

Farid comments:

Ahhh okay, for that add this line at the bottom of the existing code:

.masthead { display: none; }

User184639 comments:

Ahhhhh Thank you so much!

Farid comments:

Aaaah you are welcome :)


User184639 comments:

I want to make sure that the $5 goes to you for all your help, does this happen automatically?

Farid comments:

Yes, when you will mark the question solved I will get the money.

Farid comments:

In case you face any issue again in this regard you can get in touch with me:

User184639 comments:

Awesome, thank you!

Farid comments:

Please mark the question solved now!


Navjot Singh answers:

Go to your Admin >> Appearance >> Menus >> Manage Locations and assign a menu you created to the primary section of the theme.

In case, you don't want a top menu, you can create an empty menu with zero items and assign that to the primary section.

User184639 comments:

Sorry but this didn't work can you explain further

User184639 comments:

I added an empty menu but it still did not get rid of the problem

Navjot Singh comments:

Did you assign it to the primary theme menu location?

Check the image.

User184639 comments:

yes I did that still did not work

User184639 comments:

So I added the empty menu and to check I added one element to the menu and it showed up. But the issue is the content that is just below that menu i.e. the part that says genetics. Can you please help with this?

Navjot Singh comments:

Can you share the url of your site?

Navjot Singh comments:

Can you share which wordpress theme are you using?

User184639 comments:


Navjot Singh comments:

Try the following CSS

.masthead.masthead-inline {
display: none;


Arnav Joy answers:

Please check this:

User184639 comments:

It is the content that is just below the menu can you help me with that?

Arnav Joy comments:

can you please share URL of your site?


Hugo Gonçalves answers:

Hi User184639!

It means you have to create a menu.

Let me know if this helped.


User184639 comments:

It is the content that is just below the menu can you help me with that?


Bob answers:

Which theme are you using?

It must have setting to disable it.

Are you using x theme ?

under Customizer > Header at the bottom you will see a checkbox “Enable Breadcrumbs” make sure this is unchecked.

you can try this code in your child theme css
.x-breadcrumb-wrap {
display: none;

This links can help too

User184639 comments:

none of this worked